Play and become eligible to win a 3-day trip to Milos island for you and a friend. Become part of the MILOTERRANEAN GEO EXPERIENCE!
The lucky winner will be chosen by lot from the pool of correct answers.
Before you get started, you might want to navigate through the MILOTERRANEAN or the S&B or the Milos Mining Museum websites…to get some insight! Or simply come by the MILOTERRANEAN booth in the lobby or on the 2nd atrium of the “Michael Cacoyannis” venue, talk to us and play the game through PCs available there.
Are you ready?
Start here!Miloterranean Geo Photo Trivia
Sorry, the contest is closed.
One lucky winner will enjoy:
- A round-trip ticket for 2 people from Athens (Greece) to Milos island by boat
- 2 nights at a hotel in Milos
- A Milos Mining Museum complementary guided tour
‘Geo’-Rules of the game
Competition closes at 18:15 hours tonight (Friday, 15 March 2013). One winner will be chosen by lot from the pool of correct answers and announced by our TEDxAUEB host.
Employees of the S&B Group or Milos Mining Museum and first degree relations are not eligible to participate in this competition.
Prizes are non-transferable to other parties
The trip must be realized within 6 calendar months from the winner’s announcement